December 16, 2012

On December 15, Rustyn Rose of conducted an interview with guitarist Tomas Olsson of Swedish melodic metallers BLOODBOUND. You can now listen to the chat in the YouTube clip below.

BLOODBOUND's fifth full-length album, "In The Name Of Metal", was released on November 7 via AFM Records, The effort was recorded with producer Jonas Kjellgren (SCAR SYMMETRY, SONIC SYNDICATE, HYPOCRISY, CENTINEX, CARNAL FORGE). According to the band, "This is by far the best album we've done!"

"In The Name Of Metal" track listing:

01. In The Name Of Metal
02. When Demons Collide
03. Bonebreaker
04. Metalheads Unite
05. Son Of Babylon
06. Mr. Darkness
07. I'm Evil
08. Monstermind
09. King Of Fallen Grace
10. Black Devil
11. Bounded By Blood
12. Book Of The Dead 2012 (bonus track)

BLOODBOUND's fourth album, "Unholy Cross", entered the official chart in Sweden at position No. 50. The CD was released on March 18, 2011 via Germany's AFM Records.

BLOODBOUND in 2010 parted ways with lead vocalist Urban Breed due to "musical and personal differences" and replaced him with Patrik "Pata" Johansson (DAWN OF SILENCE) from FinspÄng, Sweden.


"In The Name Of Metal" video:

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